Friday, December 12, 2008

Change Before You Have To
Posted by Steven Allen,
I was reading a book recently and it made me think. It said that if you try to do something that is at odds to your inner beliefs you will subconsciously sabotage yourself till you can no longer do that thing.But why would you do something that is at odds with your inner-self in the first place? Well, that would be because of parental or societal pressure. You feel that you 'should' be an accountant, so you do and then you hate your life till you get so miserable you get sacked and you're no longer that accountant.That actually makes so much sense.So stop and think, are you doing the thing that makes your inner-you all warm and fluffy? If not, you're better off changing not before your subconscious does it for you, and you subconscious isn't too good at balancing the budgets.If you had always wanted to be creative you may want to take up a hobby of writing. A year from now you could have the first draught of a book, and then you spend the second year peddling it round and making improvements.Or if you have always been more of a carer you probably have to face you won't have time to be a doctor. But how about this, be a
medical assistant. you can retrain at one of the medical assistant schools, like St. Augustine School of medical assistants. It's an online school that offers online classes in which you can train to be a medical assistant. To find out more have a look at whatever you do, good luck.