Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Medical Jobs for 2009

Share Your Genuine Heart to Help Others
Reviews Add comments
Nothing that needs to be appreciated more rather than helping other who needs your help. That is really a positive attitude and sincere thing to do. There are many ways you could do to help others. Working in non government organization, doing charity, supporting global warming, joining aids or drugs campaign and many many more.
If you are really a person who cares about your environment, cares about any other things around you, perhaps you need to deliver that good heart trough this website that is a site that promising you become a
medical assistant where later on you could help a lot of people accordingly.
Who will not be proud of you? Your parent, your friends would be proud to have and to know somebody like you. has already executed a lot of professional
medical assistants and who know, you are one of them ? If you still do not know what do you want to be for future, for living and for making your life more valuable, now you now! This site, would be the best place for answering your question.
Only those who has genuine heart and mind who can really think and feel about other problem and other’s feeling. Believe it or not you have become a selected person! Because only one of million people in this world that could really do this job. Make it come true through
medical assistant school!
written by admin \\ tags:
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Education for medical assistants

High Quality - St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Dear friends education is the part of life and you know for this we required text book as well as online materials. For this the opportunity is now very simple for all of us. St. Augustine
medical assistant schools offer this facility on line . Above opportunity (online) provides us now a big facility with lot of saving of time with in 1.5 – 2.0 months as well as money. As we now the importance of medical assistance in a little time. A great opportunity for us Indeed.
St. Augustine School of
medical assistants is one of medical assistant schools offers online lot of courses with very less time and economical ranges of fees , such as medical assistant , nursing Assistant program , nursing aide programs , home health care course. It is very flexible schedule since it is online, no disturbance to your daily planning , course are reviewed by experts in the field to give you the best training at all time , and also always online to solve your queries. In just 1.5-2.0 months of studying online you can now get the medical assistant certificate. After this you get very high job opportunities awaiting in particular field for medical assistants in a short time.
Now a days
medical assistant is playing very important roll in a family.
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is known as the most reliable school because it’s team member are very competent in this field. It’s easy and accessible because you can check this on line. You can pay online at full price or for payment plan. Don’t waste time to enroll now and join the course as early as possible in St. Augustine School of medical assistants.

Schools for Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant School
Becoming a
medical assistant is perhaps one of the choice of many graduates nowadays considering the fact that health occupations field are in demand abroad with a satisfactory salary.St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants are offering online classes. Yes, you heard me right! It is indeed a very innovative and convenient program of the said school to offer medical assistant program specially intended to equip and accustom the students with online training in introductory laboratory skills and basic clinical tasks for medical assistants.Their Medical Assistant School programs are assigned to train medical assistants as an integral member of today's health care team. In completing the entire program, you can complete it according to your choice.If you want to finish it within 6-8 weeks, it's okay. Then, after you complete all the entire program, they provides an online training.So guys, if you are interested to find a job easily, why not take up a medical assistants course online and enroll at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants.So, what to think and what to question again… Build your bright future career with St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and enroll now.

Online Training Courses

Medical School
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is one of the
medical assistant schools now offering an online medical assistant course. You can now study online as medical assistant and earn a certificate in just 6-8 weeks.Very convenient because it is online, very flexible program schedule (classes anywhere and anytime), no hindrance to your daily schedule, programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training, all time online support to answer all your queries, and the best thing is, in just 6-8 weeks of studying online you can now earn the medical assistant certificate.The most important thing is that all programs are available online 24 hours and 7 days a week.If you wish to move up the ladder of success in your career in Medical Assistant, just ping the door of St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants any time you wish for the quality certificate in Medical Assistants with great knowledge.So hurry enroll now and enjoy a 50% discount of your tuition fee and more it, they also offer 2 payment options. First is the payment plans wherein you can pay it in a 3 monthly payment for $228. Second is the group registration, wherein for a group of 2 or more students who will enroll they will only pay $485.

Medical Assistant:

Medical assistant
Many of us have a dream of going into the field of Medicine, like Medical Assistant. For becoming a medical assistant, we need a good coaching in any famous institution. The best place to start your studies in the field of medical Assistant is St. Augustine Educational Services. They provide a very good
medical assistant home study program. Long ago, at one time you would have to take the medical assistant program at a school and actually be there physically. There are many people enrolling into medical assistant schools in this current time, because of the flexibility of the home study programs and the need for medical workers is in high demands. Medical assistants are health-care professionals, who provide administrative and clinical tasks along with maintaining the medical office.Where can a medical assistant work? You can find employment in private/public hospitals, inpatient/outpatient facilities, and at a Doctor’s office.You're online courses consist of an introduction to laboratory skills and basic clinical tasks, Medical Terminology and more. An online clinical lab and textbooks are required.You can enroll online this instance and earn your Medical Assistant certificate within 6 t0 8 weeks and you may study the courses at your own pace at anytime. You can pay online at full price or sign up for a payment plan.It is a good idea to study a course on Medical Assistant. Learning it in St. Augustine Educational Services will provide you a better future and career. So join St. Augustine Educational Services to study about Medical Assistant. For more information visit

Friday, March 27, 2009

Medical Assistant Schools

Medical Assistant Schools
Do­­ y­o­­u w­ant to­­ b­e a medi­cal s­cho­­o­­l as­s­i­s­tant? I­f­ y­o­­u do­­, y­o­­u s­ho­­uld f­i­nd the b­es­t medi­cal s­cho­­o­­l as­s­i­s­tant that w­i­ll pro­­vi­de y­o­­u w­i­th kno­­w­ledge needed to­­ b­e a go­­o­­d medi­cal as­s­i­s­tant. Y­o­­u can b­ro­­w­s­e i­n the i­nternet to­­ f­i­nd the medi­cal as­s­i­s­tant s­cho­­o­­ls­. There are s­o­­ many­ s­i­tes­ o­­f­f­eri­ng medi­cal as­s­i­s­tant pro­­grams­.
Si­n­ce there are so m­an­y
me­dic­al as­s­is­tan­t s­c­h­o­o­ls­, you­ m­a­y be con­fu­sed­ to d­ecid­e th­e best on­e. If I m­a­y su­ggest, you­ ca­n­ ta­ke a­ look a­t m­ed­asist­an­t­.or­g. Thi­s­ s­i­te i­s­ o­­wned­ b­y­ S­t. Augus­ti­ne S­cho­­o­­l o­­f Med­i­cal As­s­i­s­tant. Thi­s­ med­i­cal as­s­i­s­tant s­cho­­o­­l o­­ffer­s­ o­­nli­ne med­i­cal as­s­i­s­tant ed­ucati­o­­n and­ tr­ai­ni­ng cer­ti­fi­cate pr­o­­gr­ams­. They­ wi­ll help peo­­ple to­­ achi­eve thei­r­ go­­al to­­ b­e m­e­dica­l a­s­s­is­ta­nts­. Fu­rth­er, th­e m­ed­ic­al c­ertific­ate c­an giv­e th­em­ greater c­areer o­ppo­rtu­nity, faster pro­m­o­tio­n, and­ h­igh­er inc­o­m­e. Sinc­e th­ey are o­nline m­ed­ic­al assistant sc­h­o­o­l, th­ey o­ffer pro­gram­s th­at c­an be ac­c­essed­ fo­r 24 h­o­u­rs and­ 7 d­ays a week­.
Ac­c­o­­rding to­­ th­e U­S Dep­artment o­­f­ Labo­­r,
medic­al­ as­s­is­tan­­t e­mpl­o­yme­n­t­ is pre­dict­e­d t­o­ gro­w much­ fast­e­r t­h­an­ t­h­e­ o­t­h­e­r o­ccupat­io­n­ in­ t­h­e­ n­e­xt­ de­cade­. T­h­e­ o­ppo­rt­un­it­y o­f a me­dical­ assist­an­t­ se­e­ms t­o­ b­e­ b­righ­t­. H­o­we­v­e­r, o­n­l­y pro­fe­ssio­n­al­ me­dical­ assist­an­t­ wil­l­ ge­t­ b­e­t­t­e­r care­e­r ch­an­ce­. T­h­e­re­fo­re­, t­akin­g t­h­e­ me­dical­ assist­an­t­ t­rain­in­g fro­m St­. August­in­e­ Sch­o­o­l­ o­f Me­dical­ Assist­an­t­ wil­l­ o­pe­n­ t­h­e­ o­ppo­rt­un­it­y fo­r b­righ­t­e­r care­e­r in­ t­h­e­ fut­ure­.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Senin, 2009 Maret 23

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
21:12 Diposkan oleh Sunzet

Medical Assistant School "Medical Assistant employment is projected to grow faster than average, ranking this among medical help quickly developed during the work this year. Workspace should work well, especially for those with formal medical assistant training." according to the United States Department of Labor. We currently offer a formal online training with the national accreditation and certification Medical Assistant program. Our program will enable you to learn online with the speed and convenience. Most students complete the program about 6-8 months. However, you can take as long as needed. There is no deadline or time limit, and medical assistant training program is very affordable. Click here to register online today for just $ 645! Medical Assistant Program medical assistants * we are a program that is designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to provide the best in training. * Class that does not have ignored - "Easy online learning" is our goal. * Save time, money and resources. * Flexible program schedule - classes anywhere, anytime. * There is no hindrance to your daily schedule. * All the time online to support your request and personal problems with attention. * 6-8 month program - Medical Assistant Certificate For Details, Just See our Medical assistant program homepage Our program more affordable compared with other Medical Assistant Schools! Use of innovative technology, distance education to help us provide one of the most affordable programs, the medical assistant program available anywhere! In addition, our team of consultants, educators, doctors, nurses who provide health care and the other is always available to assist you in your online study. Now you can use "Google Checkout" service for quick simple program registration and secure payment of money in schools. Medical assistant program and other online health care: * Medical Assistant Course * Program Nursing Assistant * Nursing Program * Homework House Clinic MEDICAL ASSISTANT
Tentang , , , ,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Medical Assistant Online Schooling

Medical Assistant Online Schooling
Did you know that gaining an education is just a one click of the mouse? Yes that’s true. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is one of the medical assistant schools now offering an online medical assistant course. You can now study online as medical assistant and earn a certificate in just 6-8 weeks. Very convenient because it is online, very flexible program schedule (classes anywhere and anytime), no hindrance to your daily schedule, programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training, all time online support to answer all your queries, and the best thing is, in just 6-8 weeks of studying online you can now earn the medical assistant certificate. Above all, very high job opportunities awaiting for medical assistants as projected in the next decade.In addition, St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is considered as the most reliable school because it is team up with competent consulting educators, physicians, nurses and other health providers to take care and assist in your online studies. So easy and accessible because you can use the “Google Checkout” service for quick simple program registration and tuition fee payments. So hurry enroll now and enjoy a 50% discount of your tuition fee and more it, they also offer 2 payment options. First is the payment plans wherein you can pay it in a 3 monthly payment for $228. Second is the group registration, wherein for a group of 2 or more students who will enroll they will only pay $485. Isn’t it affordable so hurry and enroll at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Study to be a medical assistant: Student tips

Medical Assistant Certificate Program
Are you looking for a job now? What kind of working field would you like to enter? Well, as a matter of fact, there is big numbers of people which are looking for a job whereas the job opening is very limited. One working field that promises great reward is medical field. There are many kinds of career that are suitable for people in this field and you can be one of them.One promising career in medical field which is considered rewarding is medical assistant. There are lots of institutions needing people possessing skills and knowledge about it and this makes career related to it is very rewarding. If you want to enter this working field, you will need to learn it formally. Now, you can go to in order to learn medical assistant certificate program online. It is true that to win the competition in this field, you need to learn at trusted and reliable
medical assistant schools. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants provides you the opportunity to get certificate for medical assistants by learning the programs within sis up to eight weeks.In addition, you will be able to learn becoming a skilful medical assistant by learning the theories and practices about it online. Everything can be done at your most comfortable time. This means that you can learn comfortably. So, whenever you look for an online medical assistant school, this website should be the first consideration.

Medical Assistants

Medical Assistant
It was ten thirty in the morning when Elma and I went to church yesterday. When we sit down in the right side of the church I’m so happy to see my best friend there. After the church service we talked immediately. Sad to know that she was permanent lay off from the company she worked with last month. As of now she is busy looking for a new job.According to her, while looking for a new job she also plans to study medical assistant online. It is one of the most demand profession and best interesting job in the field of medical career nowadays. I told her that the most convenient accredited
medical assistant schools online is St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. They are the most popular with all the high tech facilities, best training and better education to all medical assistants’ students. You can study online to earn an accredited medical assistant certificate in just six to eight weeks and you can easily find a great job.You can also select other programs such as pharmacy technician program, dental assistant program, nursing assistant program and many more. So, if you want to have a good opportunity and qualifications, just check out the website and enrol online.

A Quality Medical Assistant Education

A Quality Medical Assistant Program by St. Augustine
The need for medical assistants is rapidly increasing in health care industry. This has given way for the fast growth in opening number of medical assistant schools and training program without any quality, just for the sake of money.
There can be number of training programs for medical assistants, but where you take up is more important. If you really love to help people and take care of them, then medical assistants program from St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants will help me to achieve the career goal.

Then main goal of St. Augustine
Medical Assistants School is to make the program simple and easy. Key advantages of St. Augustine Certificate Programs – all classes and training are online with virtual labs, ease of payment and with best time flexibility for every individual. The most important thing is that all programs are available online 24 hours and 7 days a week.
If you wish to move up the ladder of success in your career in
Medical Assistants, just ping the door of St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants any time you wish for the quality certificate in Medical Assistants with great knowledge.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants Reviews

Student Reviews of St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants:
"This program is very well put together. I am very impressed, the classes, labs, videos and web links were very professional and informative."
-- Bridgett, Mississippi
medical assistant program was very easy to learn and understand. I just want to thank you all for making this this a very easy course and very affordable, especially to people like me who is a single parent. Thanks again."
-- Erica, Mississippi
"This will definitely help me with my career goals!! It was very helpful. Thank you"
-- Jennifer, New York
"I want to further my education in the near future by getting into a RN program. This medical assistant program did meet my expectations and it even went beyond my expectations because I was able to gain more knowledge of nursing education while doing it at home. It allowed me to access all classes at my own rate. I felt as though I could work at the very fast pace, which I prefer, compared to class time."
-- Sinneary, Minnesota
"I want to get my medical assistant certification to give me a foot in the door toward my ultimate goal to become a certified midwife. I feel that this course was helpful because not only was there an introduction/brief lesson online, there was also book work and video's that helped explain and go in-depth on the lesson. The medical assistant program met more than my expectations. I am not usually good with independent study and usually need hands on training but I'm glad I took a chance on this medical assistant program, I actually did learn and am proud of myself for completing the course."
-- Havilah, Arkansas
"I enjoy being part of the service that helps and heals those in need. I believe this will help me get closer to my goal of being and RN. The medical assistant program was great, convenient and helpful. The book is great I will keep it for years to come."
-- Sandra, Florida
"I am currently a student at Stony Brook University and I hope to continue my education by going to nursing school. I believe that being a nursing assistant will give me the opportunity to learn new things and help me become a better nurse. This medical assistant program met my expectations. I was impressed with the videos and labs and I believe the text book will be something I use on a daily basis."
-- Nichole, Student Stony Brook University
"I am currently am a Basic Life Support Provider. I am looking to further my education in medicine. I enjoy rendering care to all my patients. I believe this medical assistant program helped me explore a different view of a controlled medical environment. I enjoyed the medical assistant program. I will recommend it in the future to anyone looking to become a medical assistant. I feel it explains everything well. Thank You!"
-- Lisa, New York
"I have been in the medical field for over three years now as a social worker and I want to stay in the medical field, but not in social work. Being a
medical assistant is a great way to stay in the medical field and learning new aspects of that field. This experience met my expectations completely. Everything was great. Loved the book will use forever. Great program! Thanks a bunch!"
-- Cassie, California
"This experience helped me learn a lot. It will be very helpful with my career goals.This medical assistant program was very helpful and explained things very well for me to understand and learn."
-- Kristen, Boston
"I believe this experience will help me with my career because I have the knowledge now."
-- Destiny, Texas
"I want to be a health care professional because I have a passion for taking care of others and I really love working around different types of people. I do believe this experience will help with my career goals. I feel fully prepared to take on the roll of a medical assistant."
-- Jordan, U.S. Navy
"I would really like to become a
medical assistant. I have two boys and my husband is currently overseas, so I would really like to have a Monday threw Friday job that would benefit me and my children. I really do think that taking this medical assistant course will help out my job opportunities. This is a really great program for people who need to do it on there own and don't have to be rushed. I will be telling people about this medical assistant program. I wouldn't change anything."
-- Monica, Texas
"The program was well written and easy to understand. Thank you"
-- Stephanie, Student Catholic Universities of America
"I would like to be a
medical assistant so that I can help people, and yes this experience helped me quite a bit. It met all of my expectations. Absolutely no complaints. THANK YOU!!"
-- Patricia, Oregon
"The reason that I want to be a
medical assistant or a health care provider is because I love to help people. I believe this course will help my goals to future my passion for the medical field."
-- Crystal, Georgia
"I am currently working in a medical office and I want to expand my experience and be more useful in my office. This course was exactly what I was looking for, and was extremely helpful."
-- Nicole, Montana
"I want to be a
medical assistant because I enjoy helping others. As a child my mother, now a retired nurse, always was very kind, loving, and gentle when dealing with the sickly and elderly; it made an everlasting impression on me. I always found her compassion so fascinating and it led me to have an interest in working in the field of nursing, eventually. I feel that this is a great first step for me. I know this medical assistant program will assist me in attaining my career goals. Kudos, St. Augustine!! I've told so many of my family and friends about this medical assistant program and the fact that you offer other medical assistant programs. God's blessings to the amazing team for assisting those of us juggling work, family, and school!! Enabling us to have a smooth transition into different careers!! May God Bless all of you!!"
-- Felicia, Delaware
"I am very thankful for a program like yours to let people like me have a chance at a career."
-- Sara, Tennessee
"Being a single mother I thought that it would be more valuable to me to know some medical information weather it would be for my family or to open up a new career field for me. This was beyond my expectations. Thank you for this wonderful experience."
-- Heather, Florida
"This course is my first on line course. I am extremely pleased. I have sought help several times and usually had a response in hours or less. I found the book to be a godsend, the classes were fabulous I would recommend to any one. I am actually going to start the nursing assistant class as soon as I receive this certificate! Excellent school with great support!!!!! Thank you!!!!"
-- Patricia, New York
"I want to be a
medical assistant because I had cancer when I was a young child and have always wanted to give something back to the medical community and I love helping others. I do believe it will help me with my goal. I can only say that I thought this is a very well put out program, easy to understand the curriculum and I feel like I have gained tremendous amounts of knowledge. I really enjoyed this medical assistant program and I can't wait to get started in a new job and apply what I have learned. Thank you for this opportunity."
-- Sharon, Georgia
"I would like to continue moving up in my career and having this skill will help me do that. Thank you for providing this medical assistant service!"
-- Kristen, California


Fastest Growing Occupation
Review of:

Hey guys, do you know that one of the most popular course nowadays especially in United States is the
Medical Assistant course? Well, a lot of people are taking up this course for a lot of reasons. First, it is among the fastest growing occupations over the 2006-16 decade. Second, the salary is good, Third, the opportunity to find a job is easy especially if you have a formal training or experience and certification.If for example, you want to take up this course but you have no time to go to school to attend the class, there's a way already on how to do it. How? By taking a medical assistant course online. Yes, it's possible already to take up this course online and one of the most popular online school of medical assistants is the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants provides a very convenient and affordable online medical program. Their medical assistants programs are assigned to train medical assistants as an integral member of today's health care team. In completing the entire program, you can complete it according to your choice. If you want to finish it within 6-8 weeks, it's okay. Then, after you complete all the entire program, they provides an online training.So guys, if you are interested to find a job easily, why not take up a medical assistants course online and enroll at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants.

The Medical Assistant Occupation

Fastest Growing Occupation (Medical Assistant)
Hey guys, do you know that one of the most popular course nowadays especially in United States is the
Medical Assistant course? Well, a lot of people are taking up this course for a lot of reasons. First, it is among the fastest growing occupations over the 2006-16 decade. Second, the salary is good, Third, the opportunity to find a job is easy especially if you have a formal training or experience and certification.If for example, you want to take up this course but you have no time to go to school to attend the class, there's a way already on how to do it. How? By taking a medical assistant course online. Yes, it's possible already to take up this course online and one of the most popular online school of medical assistants is the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants provides a very convenient and affordable online medical program. Their medical assistants programs are assigned to train medical assistants as an integral member of today's health care team. In completing the entire program, you can complete it according to your choice. If you want to finish it within 6-8 weeks, it's okay. Then, after you complete all the entire program, they provides an online training.So guys, if you are interested to find a job easily, why not take up a medical assistants course online and enroll at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Medical Assistants

Keep informed :
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants, helps you to become a medical Assistant in just 6-8 weeks
Posted by
admin on 21 March, 2009
This item was filled under [
Marketing and Advertising ]
In this modern era, many things can be made and achieved effectively and efficiently without any needs to spend many years, many times and ofcourse much money.
If you are a dreamer or in other word have a dream of becoming a medical assistant, now it has no place in your life as a dream anymore because today you have St. Augustine School of
Medical Assistants which can help you build your dream as a reality in just 6-8 weeks. What a very short time for the most valuable achievement goal!
It means, with their great programs you will be able to become a
medical assistant in no more than 2 months. Great!!
How it could be? May be that is a big question that remain in your self right now. Well, the key is laying on the programs which are very affordable and yet completely flexible to suit your personal needs.
No need to worry, because this
Medical Assistant School has a professional team that comprises of experts in the field of healthcare and education, so you can get your certificate in the most convenient and efficient way possible.
So, what to think and what to question again… Build your bright future career with St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and enroll now.

More at:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Do You Want to be a Medical Assistant?

Would you like to become a Medical Assistant?St. Augustine Educational Services provides a Medical Assistant Home Study Program. Long ago, at one time you would have to take the medical assistant program at a school and actually be there physically. There are many people enrolling into
medical assistant schools in this current time, because of the flexibility of the home study programs and the need for medical workers are in high demands.Medical assistants are health-care professionals, who provide administrative and clinical tasksalong with maintaining the medical office. Where can a medical assistant work? You can find employment in private/public hospitals, inpatient/outpatient facilities, and at a Doctors office.You're online courses consist of an introduction to laboratory skills and basic clinical tasks, Medical Terminology and more. An online clinical lab and textbooks are required.You can enroll online this instance and earn your Medical Assistant certificate within 6 t0 8 weeks and you may study the courses at your own pace at anytime. You can pay online at full price or sign up for a payment plan.Becoming a medical assistant is a great career move go check out St. Augustine Educational Services for more details of the medical assistant program.
Posted by UPDATER

at 11:51 PM

Medical Assistants

Medical Assistants
Even if you don't regularly watch the news or read the paper, you can sense the global financial crisis that is upon us. A few days ago, news broke out that another 2,500 will be jobless because an IT plant in Laguna has closed down. At a jewelers shop last week, I heard the owner lamenting that people are tightening their belts and are forgoing the purchase of luxury items such as jewelry. On a similar note, because of bad business, cruise ships have lowered fares to very tempting prices.Mostly affected are those in retail and luxury goods. Some sectors like schools and hospitals won't be as badly hit by the crisis. Heard from a friend overseas that
medical assistants are still in demand noways. This is probably the reason why medical assistant schools like St. Agustine School of Medical Assistants are now offering online programs. With the crisis upon us with no certainty how long it will last, courses like that of a medical assistant are getting popular. It seems it has become inevitable that the demand for certain jobs have been the factor in which the youth bases its decision of what course to get into.
More at:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
Rabu 18 March 2009

Posted by kategori

Do you have any skills about medical? Have you ever studied about medical? Or would you like to study about it? If I were you, I would answer yes. Why? Because having a knowledge and skill about medical is not only the nurse and doctor’s right but also everybody’s right. When our family member has a health problem, we will take them to the hospital, right. We may not have to bring them to the hospital if we have medical knowledge. We may give the first medical help if we have studied about a
medical assistant.
Nowadays, medical assistant is quite important for all family, especially parents. It is aimed to anticipate if any of their children or family member has health problem. At least, parents can be the first people who cure them before being taken to the hospital or cared by the doctor. Where can they study about medical assistants? Studying
medical assistants could be hard and easy if we do no study in the right place. However, your studying will be easier if you study the right and reputable medical assistant schools. Talking about reputable medical assistant schools means talking about As medical assistant schools, will help the people to get their goal of becoming a medical assistant. Besides being helpful for their family, a medical assistant can be used to build their carrier because a certificate medical assistant will have chances to get faster promotion, big earning and others. So, what are you waiting for? Visit the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and join it!

Medical Assistants

Be a Medical Assistant In Just 6-8 Weeks!
March 18, 2009
As a great need for health care increases rapidly, medical professionals are now being demanded in different countries. This paves way to high income opportunities being offered to health care professionals which includes, nurses, physicians, medical technologists and people who make sure that the rendering of services run smoothly, the
medical assistant. Now you can be a medical assistant even without going to medical assistant schools. St. Augustine will bring everything to you.

Invest your future and become a medical assistant student in just 6-8 weeks with St. Augustine’s home study program. You need not to move from your seats when attending classes because everything will be brought to you online, at your preference. Plus, their staff is composed of experts in health care and education so it won’t be a trouble getting a certificate.

I am interested to become one of the professionally-trained
medical assistants, so how does this work?
•You need first to enroll by registering at their site at a very affordable price.
•After registering, you will be given your program User Name and Password which allows you to access all online classes.
•Then attend their classes anytime you want. Their programs are available 24/7 so there is no hassle on your part and your regular schedules won’t get interrupted.
•After you’ve successfully completed their program, take the online exam
•If you passed the exam, congratulations! Your certificate and transcripts will be mailed to you.

So what are you waiting for?
Enroll now and become a professional medical assistants!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Medical Assistant Schools

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants : an online medical assistant schools
Are you looking for an online medical school but can't seem to find the right one? Just browse the internet, there are thousands websites that offers such program. You can choose and join one of them.Still confuse? Just visit St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants, an
medical assistant schools that offer formal training online for 6-8 weeks program. Medical assistants is more important to help hospital to serve patients. Medical assistants perform many administrative duties, including answering telephones, greeting patients, updating and filing patients’ medical records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, arranging for hospital admission and laboratory services, and handling billing and bookkeeping.Medical assistant is one of fastest growing occupations, but surprisingly the compensation is low, there is a high turn over and finding a job right after school can be more than challenging. Not of all medical school will give you tricks and tips how to win this crowded situation.St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants will train you to get some qualified skill to win a tight competition in your place. Their programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training and you will get Medical Assistant Certificate. So would like to join?

Looking for a Course
I was talking to my cousin the other day about her plans for college, she is going to graduate this end of march. Her parents wants her to be a doctor but she does not want to study for so many years so she suggest that she would just be a
medical assistant, she could take up the course for only 6-8 weeks, she could graduate and have a job for a short period of time so she can help in the family. Luckily, her parents agreed to her and she is now looking for a perfect school for her that offers this medical assistants course not many school here in the Philippines offer this course most of the schools just offers nursing and other medical related courses. I think she should just study abroad since she plans to work there someday, she would have more opportunities there and it is better to graduate in a school in the US, I also heard that St. Augustine School of Medical Assistant is one of the best school in the US, i will definitely tell her so she can look for it on the internet. I really hope that she can look a perfect medical assistant school for her.

Medical Assistants

Medical Assistant School
Monday, March 16, 2009
Do you want to be a Medical Assistant? Are you looking for Medical Assistant Schools but just don't know where to look for one or just can't find one? Interested in online studying?Well here's the school for the aspiring Medical Assistants!
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. This is an accredited, convenient and affordable online distance education program. You can now study online to earn an accredited Medical Assistant certificate in just 6-8 weeks!You can now become a Medical Assistant Online with their nationally accredited & certified Medical Assistant program. And you know that this kind of profession can be very rewarding.Medical Assistant Program:* Our programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training.* No traditional classrooms at strict timings - Easy online learning is our aim.* Save time, money and resources.* Flexible program schedule - classes anywhere, anytime.* No hindrance to your daily schedule.* All-time online support to resolve your queries and problems with personal attention.* 6-8 weeks programs - Medical Assistant Certificate

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Medical Assistants
It has been a puerility aspiration to become a Medical Doctor- a operating surgeon perhaps. But conditions did not allow it and the nearest to equaling one is to become a Medical Assistant. Did you recognise that the US authorities stated that Artium Magister job chances are hitching up because of an expanding requirement? To get an boundary with the equally expanding numbers of Medical Assistants, it is best to equip ourselves with a formal education. If you are like me who's drew up inside your home, worry not because there are online
Medical Assistant Schools available. Of course we should choose the one that is believable and at the same time low-cost. Times are tough and we don't want to place on something's not worth our penny. So, I depended around and I found out that St. Augustine School of medical assistants for Medical Assistant is by far one of the most qualified online schools in my criteria. They offer 'anytime e-learning' which means we can take the program at our personal pace. The platform also offers great terms of payment for the tuition so it won't be so hard for us. And the best thing about this school is that they make their legal selective information accessible for us to view (at least we feel safe that they are licensed and accredited).

I consider this is a great chance particularly for somebody like me birthing a background on two medical exam alliance courses a Medical Assistants certification would certainly advance my curriculum vitae.

Medical Assistant School

Medical Assistant School
Do you want to be a Medical Assistant? Are you looking for Medical Assistant Schools but just don't know where to look for one or just can't find one? Interested in online studying?Well here's the school for the aspiring Medical Assistants!
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. This is an accredited, convenient and affordable online distance education program. You can now study online to earn an accredited Medical Assistant certificate in just 6-8 weeks!You can now become a Medical Assistant Online with their nationally accredited & certified Medical Assistant program. And you know that this kind of profession can be very rewarding.Medical Assistant Program:* Our programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training.* No traditional classrooms at strict timings - Easy online learning is our aim.* Save time, money and resources.* Flexible program schedule - classes anywhere, anytime.* No hindrance to your daily schedule.* All-time online support to resolve your queries and problems with personal attention.* 6-8 weeks programs - Medical Assistant CertificateAnd they are more affordable than any other Medical Assistant schools! All you have to do is to check it out in Google, type in St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and see for yourself! So what are you waiting for? Check this out now and see for yourself! Also the most affordable medical Assistant School around!
Posted by shzainzy at
11:51 AM

The Medical Assistant Schools

The Medical Assistant Course
Review Add comments
Since the human was made, the most important knowledge is about medication. Form over centuries to the recent days, the medical staff still has their important roles. The profession as a doctor, nurse has their own position on the society and this profession will still needed and everlasting. To be a doctor or to reach the medicals degree is not an easy and affordable thing to do. It also require years of study.
The medical assistant course becomes an alternative option to get the profession on medical field. The is the alternative
medical assistant schools that you can reach online. Whenever you are, you can follow this course and suit it with your own pace. The medical assistants can work on the private or public hospital. As a medical assistant, you can have various duty, depends on the office you are working. Usually the main task is to support the administrative to make the doctor or other staff runs smoothly.
To get the course, you only need to visit on the website. The registration and payment process is also very easy; you can follow the instruction given. To be a health care staff is not as difficult as we image. We can do the course without spending too much time and money from our home desk.
written by dedi kurniawan

Monday, March 16, 2009

Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
The review of the "United States Department of labor" says that Medical Assistant employment is growing much faster than any other. The Job occupations of medical assistant has a greater requirement and is growing fast. The Medical assistant training was giving by the
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants . The training will be online and you can study according to your own pace and convenience and normally we can complete with in 6-8weeks. As per our convinience we can extend the duration also. The training is very much useful for the people in finding the job opportunities in the medical assistants , pharmacy, nursing etc….The features of this school areSave time, money, ResourcesNo strict timingsFlexibility Schedule of programOnline support to resolve queriesIn St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants the program is designed and reviewed by the professors to provide the best training to the people. you can learn the training by online which is more comfortable to all to work from any where in the world.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant School Testimonials:
medical assistant program is a wonderful program for anyone who has prior commitments such as a job or children. I was able to complete the lessons on a time schedule that was convenient for me without having to leave my home. This is a wonderful program. My thanks to those at St. Augustine for understanding that not everyone has the time or resources to attend a traditional educational program or college. This was not only affordable for me but also fit into my busy lifestyle. I would recommend medical assistant program to anyone looking for new career and doesn’t want to wait two years for a college degree."
-- Andrea, Illinois
"I have always had a passion for health-care but never followed that path. I have been a stay-at-home mom for the past 5 years and am now ready to go back to work. This Medical Assistant program at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants was excellent. It was easy to follow and very informative. I was so fortunate to find out about medical assistant program because I could complete all classes when it was convenient for me. Thanks again. Medical assistant program has been a joy to complete. I am looking forward to use my knowledge in my new career as a nursing assistant."
-- Jennifer, California
"The reason I wanted to become a Medical Assistant is because I am already a Certified Nursing Assistant working in a hospital and I am ready to take my medical assistant training to another level and I love to help people and care for them. I do believe that this
medical assistant training experience will help me to achieve the career I am looking for. Medical assistant program was very helpful and met all of my expectations. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for this program. I would recommend medical assistant program to anyone that is interested in medical assistant field, I very much enjoyed taking medical assistant course and having time to do this and work full time was a plus. Again, thank you very much."
-- Tammy, Pennsylvania
"Medical assistant program has been a great course for me I have worked side by side with a ob/gyn doctor for over two years everything I have learned has been thru him but this
medical assistant course has offered me so much I have taken my time and studied very hard and have already put this in advantage to my every day work. I can now spit out medical terms to the doctor with no problem and even know what needs to be done most of the time before he even write orders, Thank you so much for medical assistant program it has helped me very much and the text book will be a learning tool that I am sure I will refer to more then once in a while I cant say enough great about medical assistant program please email about any other course as they become available, Thanks again."
-- Michelle, Maryland
"I really liked the flexibility of this
medical assistant course. I took medical assistant course while I was at college taking pre-nursing classes, and appreciated how there were no deadlines to get things done. I could work on medical assistant course at my own pace and never felt rushed to get my readings done."
-- Danielle, Student Calvin College
"As a busy mother, I was able to complete my lessons at a convenient time for me. I enjoyed medical assistant program. I thank this company for giving me a whole new educational experience."
-- Tricia, Student Xavier University
"I feel that any job in medicine would not be complete without knowing how to care for patients. I am certain that this medical assistant program with help me fulfill my duties as a radiologic technologist. Medical assistant program more then met my expectations and I would recommend this
medical assistant program to anyone in the medical field."
-- Melissa, Minnesota
"I have always loved helping people and I have a love in my heart to help everyone I can. I believe this
medical assistant course has helped me reach my goals."
-- Colleen, Pennsylvania
"I love the health care field! I love to help people feel better. This
medical assistant program was a huge help. Nothing I would change about the program. It was very helpful."
-- Rachael, Arizona
"I enjoy helping people and have now been offered a job as a
medical assistant. This medical assistant program was a great help. I would recommend it very much."
-- Tara, Earlham College
"I have experience as a licensed Emergency Medical Technician and wanted to continue taking care / assistant care to people of all ages and gender by becoming a
Medical Assistant. This certificate allows me the opportunity to provide more to the Medical Practice field and takes me out of harm in the field. Medical assistant program was interesting being an online course. Medical assistant program provided me with the information and education necessary to apply with confidence because of my knowledge to MA positions."
-- Christine, North Carolina
"I think the reason this program is going to help me in my goals is because I see me myself becoming a RN and this just the start. I would have to say this program did met my expectations, it was fast and you go at you own speed and that's what I like. I would also like to take the time thank you for making this program a great program for hard working people like myself."
-- Erica, California
"I was RN in Japan. I'd like to become a nurse in the US. I believe this medical assistant program is good experience for me.I think this is good program for my future. I am glad to find this
medical assistant program. It was very informative and interesting. Would recommend it very much."
-- Maki, Japan
"I want to be a nursing assistant or health care professional because I want a satisfying and fulfilling career, and I want to help people who are sick to get better. And yes, I do believe that this medical assistant program experience will help with career goals. This medical assistant program at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants has met my expectations and more! I shall continue to use this medical assistant knowledge to further my career prospects. This text book was fantastic, and explained everything I needed to know. I will continue to use the text book throughout my nursing career."
-- Deborah, England (Kent)
"I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to use this online medical assistant program. I was able to study at my own pace which helped tremendously."
-- Sylvia, Florida
"I thought this medical assistant program met and exceeded my expectations. The program was well organized and it helped a lot that it was easy to pay for to. I would definitely recommend this medical assistant program to everyone."
-- Nichole, Oregon
"The online medical assistant program at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and definitely met my expectations and I learned so much and I like that you get to work at your own pace. The videos helped a lot to and they didn't take too long to download. I think this is a great program and will help with my career goals. I am so glad I decided to do this medical assistant program!"
-- Amy, Nevada
"I enjoyed the resources on the internet that you offered through your medical assistant program. It has been very convenient for me to be able to take this medical assistant course on-line. I want to thank you for providing this medical assistant training on-line and I have really enjoyed it and look forward to working as a
Medical Assistant."
-- Stina, Sweden
"I Think this medical assistant program is a great way to take a class you can study a great deal better in your on home and at your on pace, I was very pleased with this program. Thank you.
-- Virginia, North Carolina
"I hope to be a registered nurse one day. I enjoy the whole world of medical care and cannot wait to get back into it. I loved this program."
-- Danielle, Washington
"This program is very well put together. I am very impressed, the classes, labs, videos and web links were very professional and informative."
-- Bridgett, Mississippi
medical assistant program was very easy to learn and understand. I just want to thank you all for making this this a very easy course and very affordable, especially to people like me who is a single parent. Thanks again."
-- Erica, Mississippi
"This will definitely help me with my career goals!! It was very helpful. Thank you"
-- Jennifer, New York
"I want to further my education in the near future by getting into a RN program. This medical assistant program did meet my expectations and it even went beyond my expectations because I was able to gain more knowledge of nursing education while doing it at home. It allowed me to access all classes at my own rate. I felt as though I could work at the very fast pace, which I prefer, compared to class time."
-- Sinneary, Minnesota
"I want to get my medical assistant certification to give me a foot in the door toward my ultimate goal to become a certified midwife. I feel that this course was helpful because not only was there an introduction/brief lesson online, there was also book work and video's that helped explain and go in-depth on the lesson. The medical assistant program met more than my expectations. I am not usually good with independent study and usually need hands on training but I'm glad I took a chance on this medical assistant program, I actually did learn and am proud of myself for completing the course."
-- Havilah, Arkansas
"I enjoy being part of the service that helps and heals those in need. I believe this will help me get closer to my goal of being and RN. The medical assistant program was great, convenient and helpful. The book is great I will keep it for years to come."
-- Sandra, Florida
"I am currently a student at Stony Brook University and I hope to continue my education by going to nursing school. I believe that being a nursing assistant will give me the opportunity to learn new things and help me become a better nurse. This medical assistant program met my expectations. I was impressed with the videos and labs and I believe the text book will be something I use on a daily basis."
-- Nichole, Student Stony Brook University
"I am currently am a Basic Life Support Provider. I am looking to further my education in medicine. I enjoy rendering care to all my patients. I believe this medical assistant program helped me explore a different view of a controlled medical environment. I enjoyed the medical assistant program. I will recommend it in the future to anyone looking to become a medical assistant. I feel it explains everything well. Thank You!"
-- Lisa, New York
"I have been in the medical field for over three years now as a social worker and I want to stay in the medical field, but not in social work. Being a
medical assistant is a great way to stay in the medical field and learning new aspects of that field. This experience met my expectations completely. Everything was great. Loved the book will use forever. Great program! Thanks a bunch!"
-- Cassie, California
"This experience helped me learn a lot. It will be very helpful with my career goals.This medical assistant program was very helpful and explained things very well for me to understand and learn."
-- Kristen, Boston
"I believe this experience will help me with my career because I have the knowledge now."
-- Destiny, Texas
"I want to be a health care professional because I have a passion for taking care of others and I really love working around different types of people. I do believe this experience will help with my career goals. I feel fully prepared to take on the roll of a medical assistant."

More medical assistant info at:

Medical Career

Medical Career
Have you ever wanted to work in medicine? It must be an amazing career as it will be rewarding on a level most other jobs could never offer.And it's not just about being a doctor or being a nurse. They are great vocations but not the only ones. How about the career path of
medical assistants?A recent report I saw on the web said that the American Department of Labor figured that being a medical assistant is a safe career path. The quote was, "Medical Assistant employment is projected to grow much faster than average." And at a time when the recession is digging in having a career path that leads you into an expanding field can really help you out.With medical assisting being one of the fastest growing occupations you may be thinking, "How can I get into this occupation?"Well, medical assistant schools like the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offer a course that could have you qualified in a very short time. It could be just six to eight weeks before you have completed the course and then you can be heading into that career. If you want to find out more, have a look at the website

Medical Assistant Schools

Becoming a medical assistant? Might be.
My father told me that becoming a
Medical Assistant is truly a rewarding career, and I must agree with him. Plus, there are plenty of job opportunities available. I might consider it as an interesting alternative to becoming a full-time medic, if the future just doesn't allow me to follow my plans.Well, it seems that the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offers an online course for medical assistants for just $645. It's a good news :) Usually these courses are so expensive! I think my mom would find a useful course between their programs, especially the Nursing Aide one, since my mom is a nurse and is always looking forward to updates and seminary to do improve her professional profile. It's an accredited program, so I'm sure it would help her curriculum.Now, returning to the topic of the medical assistant course, I gave a look to the program details of the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants, and between the subjects I found an interesting list of labs, including virtual phlebotomy and medication injections. These two ones are subjects I'm very interested about, and it's nice that this school offers them as an integrative part of its program and not just an extra course :) Very nice, really!So yeah, I really think that, if I fail in my plans to become a medic, I might try to become a medical assistant and study at the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. It's not bad at all, and I've already practiced as a medical assistant before, with my dad, so it'd be alright. ^^

Medical Assistant Schools

Medical Assistants support the medical staff during patient examinations. medical assistant also provide medical office administration support to keep the office running smoothly. Medical assistant careers offer excellent growth potential. Visit our medical assisting programs below and request info from any medical assistant training courses that interest you. The duties of medical assistants vary from office to office, depending on the location and size of the practice and the practitioner’s specialty. In small practices, medical assistants usually do many different kinds of tasks, handling both administrative and clinical duties and reporting directly to an office manager, physician, or other health practitioner. Those in large practices tend to specialize in a particular area, under the supervision of department administrators

Medical Assistant Schools

Just realize your dreams to become a Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant - a career that is free from discordant qualities. Yeah! It is true when one can think from the core of his/her heart. The word - Medical Assistant involves many meanings and gives the glamor & bright future to one's life. In short, it is one of the best career that suits everyone to live his/her life in beautiful manner.

Actually, many of us never willing to join this career because they could not know the what type of work assigned for them to perform. They just imagine that Medical Assistant means to only serves the patients and nothing else. But I think that, they are absolutely wrong. The person whoever he/she may be perform the administrative and clinical jobs that keep the offices of health practitioners running smoothly. That is the reason, the person who are willing to be a Medical Assistants can now find employment in both private and public hospitals, as well as inpatient and outpatient facilities.
In fact, there are many work involved in such career that no one can just imagine. For example, Medical assistants can perform many administrative duties, including answering telephones, greeting patients, updating and filing patient's medical records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, arranging for hospital admission and laboratory services, and handling billing and bookkeeping and assisting during diagnostic examinations.

But it is the fact that, no one can get the right direction to become a good Medical Assistant. Naturally, one can think to find out some sort of institutions where he/she can get the right direction. If are you looking for such institution or school then I strongly recommends you one name i.e."St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants". Here you can get the details of Online Medical Assistant courses that one can able to do from every corner of the world. This school also imparts online training about introductory laboratory skills and basic clinical tasks for medical assistants. It means, you will become to ready as a Medical Assistant within 6-8 weeks just spending the little amount of $645.

So, guys, I think there is no such online training school like St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants that opens the door of huge employment and also the bright future. Now it is your turn to think on this subject if you would like to have a bright future. Otherwise, just leave it.

Medical Assistant

Minggu, 2009 Maret 15

Medical Assistant
The skill and knowledge of medical is very important right now. Its skill and knowledge is not only for those who work in hospital or medical company but also for ordinary people, such as; parents. Why do parents, especially mothers, need this skill? Because at least they can be the first people to help their children if any of their children get sick or health problems. To get the medical knowledge or to become a
Medical Assistant, they can get it in many medical schools whether it is offline medical school or online medical school.
To study about Medical online, they can study it in many online medical schools but if they want to study in the best online medical school, they should study it in Why I recommend
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants? Because it has a lot of great programs for people, such as; Human Body Planes, Basic Human Anatomy and physiology, Medical Office Professionalism, Patient Communication, Medical Records, Basic Medical Law, Scheduling Appointments and many more. When studying here, the people can study at their own time and place. It means that they can study in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. They can study at home, at their office and other fun place. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants provides the program for 24 hours and 7 days in a week. For more info, please visit

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Why Online Learning Education Is More Popular
When it comes to online education, there is so much information out there. Over the past few years, online learning has really moved up the ranks as far as education options are concerned. There are many reasons that people are interested in online learning education, and if this sounds like you, you should consider getting started in this area. The fact of the matter is that you can learn quite a bit with this type of education without ever having to take a seat in the classroom. To some people it does not get any better than this. But before you get started with online learning education you will want to know where you can search for information on this way of doing things. After all, you will need this information so that you can stay ahead of the game and make the right decision. Ask other people you know if they have ever taken online classes. Chances are that if you ask around enough you will find somebody who has. This is a great way to get first hand information from people who you trust.The best place to gather information concerning online learning education is quite obvious; you should start your search online! if you interested in
medical assistant schools you can visit Since these institutions are based online they put a lot of time and effort into making plenty of information available via the internet. You should be able to find a webpage as well as detailed information on any medical assistants information . A simple search will turn up all of the information that you could ever need. Another way to find about medical assistant is to give the institution a call. Even though these schools offer their courses online, they will more than likely have several numbers that you can call if you are interested in more information. This will allow you to get in touch with people such as financial aid and admissions officers. By talking with them you will be able to get a better feel for what online learning education is all about. Not to mention the fact that they can answer any questions that you may have. Finally, do not forget that you can simply talk with others who are experienced with online learning education. Ask other people you know if they have ever taken online classes. Chances are that if you ask around enough you will find somebody who has. This is a great way to get first hand information from people who you trust.All in all, online learning education is more popular today than it has ever been in the past. If you are interested in this way of learning, you really need to consider getting as much information as you can before you get started. When you know all there is to know about online learning education you will have a much easier time making a choice on when and how to get started

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
Offering formal training online with our nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program. Our program will allow you to study online at your own pace and convenience. Most students complete the program in about 6-8 weeks. However, you can take as long as needed. There are no deadlines or time limits and our medical assistant training program is very affordable. Check out the program at:!