Tuesday, June 01, 2010

New Studetn Posting: St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Medical Assistants

When I was in high school, I used to take care of my grandmother who was very ill. She was in and out of the hospital. Since nobody else could take care of her at home, my mother told me to take the responsibility since I don't have a busy schedule in school. Just because I always accompany my grandma in the hospital for check ups and admissions, I have learned a lot of things. I always wished to have taken nursing course before the tuition fee is very expensive, so I took my second choice which is Marketing. So now that I'm a graduate, I am still open to learn about having at least a crash course as a medical assistant. I learned from a friend that St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants has a complete course which could help aspiring medical assitants with their educational programs. I wish to enrol with them someday and help me get a whole new experience to become a medical assistant too.