Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Looking for a Course
I was talking to my cousin the other day about her plans for college, she is going to graduate this end of march. Her parents wants her to be a doctor but she does not want to study for so many years so she suggest that she would just be a
medical assistant, she could take up the course for only 6-8 weeks, she could graduate and have a job for a short period of time so she can help in the family. Luckily, her parents agreed to her and she is now looking for a perfect school for her that offers this medical assistants course not many school here in the Philippines offer this course most of the schools just offers nursing and other medical related courses. I think she should just study abroad since she plans to work there someday, she would have more opportunities there and it is better to graduate in a school in the US, I also heard that St. Augustine School of Medical Assistant is one of the best school in the US, i will definitely tell her so she can look for it on the internet. I really hope that she can look a perfect medical assistant school for her.