Saturday, March 28, 2009

Online Training Courses

Medical School
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is one of the
medical assistant schools now offering an online medical assistant course. You can now study online as medical assistant and earn a certificate in just 6-8 weeks.Very convenient because it is online, very flexible program schedule (classes anywhere and anytime), no hindrance to your daily schedule, programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training, all time online support to answer all your queries, and the best thing is, in just 6-8 weeks of studying online you can now earn the medical assistant certificate.The most important thing is that all programs are available online 24 hours and 7 days a week.If you wish to move up the ladder of success in your career in Medical Assistant, just ping the door of St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants any time you wish for the quality certificate in Medical Assistants with great knowledge.So hurry enroll now and enjoy a 50% discount of your tuition fee and more it, they also offer 2 payment options. First is the payment plans wherein you can pay it in a 3 monthly payment for $228. Second is the group registration, wherein for a group of 2 or more students who will enroll they will only pay $485.