Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Dr. Spiff
posted by Dr. Spiff
The school holidays are just around the corner and my two boys are currently just waiting for it to arrive. They're already planning to create havoc at home and I pity Mrs. Spiff who has to put up with all the noise and mischief they're going to be up to ... LOL! Sorry honey, I can't help you there :DActually back when I was a kid I used to live just for the year end 7 week school holidays mainly because I could sleep in all day. Yes, I was and still am a lazy bum ... hehehe ... But unfortunately now with my work, just getting a days worth of leave is already hard enough as it is.Sometimes I wonder if I've made the right decision by going into the advertising industry. Maybe I should have been a teacher like Carol, then I could also enjoy the long school holidays. And yes Carol, I'm envious of you and your holiday ... LOL!But then again, after reading Kadus Mama's post about this
medical assistant or was that a medical doctor, I can't remember already, actually building his own house and it looks so huge like a mansion, maybe I should have enrolled in a medical assistant school or something.I heard of great one at the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants where you can get an affordable education online. I wonder how much a medical assistant gets paid anyway. Judging by the picture of the house Kadus Mama put up, they must get paid huge sums of money ... hehehe ...Oh well, since I hate studying in any form these days, I guess I'm going to be stuck with just being a lowly Account Manager urrmmmm, I mean spaceman for now :D