Thursday, October 02, 2008

Medical Assistant Careers

Healthcare: Being a Medical Assistant
by Jenny
Yet another cousin of mine is leaving for greener pastures overseas. The current world economic outlook is bleak, so people realy have to get off their butts and think of ways to supplement their family income. Cousin K told me yesterday when we met at the cemetery to celebrate All Saints Day that she enrolled 2 months ago at a medical assistant school to get a certificate to be a medical assistant. She says that studying to be a doctor takes too long and it's too expensive besides. Nursing also takes a few years to get a diploma. And both courses have to take more certification overseas. But a medical assistant certificate will only take a short time and it can be taken online to boot. A medical assistant need not take additional studies and professional regulatory tests in other countries. The job is light and the pay sufficient to maintain her family here in the Philippines.With so many cousins leaving for jobs overseas, my family situation here getting bleaker by the year, will I be far behind them? Will I also take the plunge and try for green bucks?